The Croissant Bouquet

from $95.00

Our Croissant Bouquet is the most elegant and delicate gift to surprise someone special. Featuring a beautiful selection of mini roses and eucalyptus, paired with freshly baked croissants filled with lavender mousse, this bouquet is a blend of flavor and beauty. Choose between chocolate lavender or vanilla lavender mousse, and enjoy its delicate aroma and smooth texture. Presented in a box with a ribbon, it's easy to transport and offers a luxurious experience. After removing the croissants, place the flowers in water to prolong their beauty. A romantic and sophisticated gesture, perfect for this season. Add a note for your love to make it even more special.

  • Small (3 croissants) – $95 (11 x 9 inches)

  • Large (6 croissants) – $195 (19 x 15 inches)

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Our Croissant Bouquet is the most elegant and delicate gift to surprise someone special. Featuring a beautiful selection of mini roses and eucalyptus, paired with freshly baked croissants filled with lavender mousse, this bouquet is a blend of flavor and beauty. Choose between chocolate lavender or vanilla lavender mousse, and enjoy its delicate aroma and smooth texture. Presented in a box with a ribbon, it's easy to transport and offers a luxurious experience. After removing the croissants, place the flowers in water to prolong their beauty. A romantic and sophisticated gesture, perfect for this season. Add a note for your love to make it even more special.

  • Small (3 croissants) – $95 (11 x 9 inches)

  • Large (6 croissants) – $195 (19 x 15 inches)

Our Croissant Bouquet is the most elegant and delicate gift to surprise someone special. Featuring a beautiful selection of mini roses and eucalyptus, paired with freshly baked croissants filled with lavender mousse, this bouquet is a blend of flavor and beauty. Choose between chocolate lavender or vanilla lavender mousse, and enjoy its delicate aroma and smooth texture. Presented in a box with a ribbon, it's easy to transport and offers a luxurious experience. After removing the croissants, place the flowers in water to prolong their beauty. A romantic and sophisticated gesture, perfect for this season. Add a note for your love to make it even more special.

  • Small (3 croissants) – $95 (11 x 9 inches)

  • Large (6 croissants) – $195 (19 x 15 inches)